Before Take Car Insurance
Before Take Car Insurance

The car has a lot of meaning to someone. Naturally, if you as the owner trying to keep the car from the risk of damage or loss. Moreover, the majority of people buy their cars on credit.

The owner of the vehicle need not be bothered. The financial industry has been providing motor vehicle insurance products to address the needs of the car owners. Moreover, there are currently online insurance application. Products that fit into the category of insurance product is ready to take over all the risks that threaten your favorite car, ranging from just a body scratched risk until the risk of flooding washed away cars.

Of course, to be able to reap these benefits, you have to pay some money up front as insurance premiums.

The number of insurance companies offering auto insurance products are also growing. In addition to targeting prospective individual customers who have a vehicle directly, they also use the lanes finance companies (finance) and banks for selling their insurance products. However, the choice of the products very much that, often, it makes consumers confused. That is where you need to do a comparison of insurance.

Here are the steps you need to do before selecting an insurance vehicle that would be taken?

Credit or Cash

Make sure in advance whether the car is paid in cash or credit. Usually, if a car purchased in cash, either from a dealer, showroom, or both parties, the buyer is not affected by the obligation to take out specific insurance. That is, the buyer is free to decide who will be their life insurance.

But if you use a finance company or credit when purchasing a vehicle, usually finance companies require clients to insure his car. Component cost of insurance premiums could fit into the total cost of the initial alias down payment (DP) or in monthly installments component customers.

Customers also do not have much choice of insurance products. Because finance companies already have a list of insurance company partners. If no special request from the customer, usually finance directly lead to a particular insurance company. Not infrequently, after the policy came out, new clients know.

Rent or Used Alone

Make sure from the outset whether the car will be used on its own or leased. Therefore, the insurance company has different level of risk calculation for the allotment of the two. If you declare when filing a car insurance used alone, but when the claim is proven that the car was rented, the insurer very likely not going to grant your claim.

Clear and Complete

Here, you shall recognize the profiles detail the insurance company you choose. Thorough and find information about the reputation or the services. Make sure that your vehicle is properly registered. Is terseut insurance through an agent or broker. Customer must know that there are provisions in the policy and the insurance company must explain the rights and obligations of the customer.

No harm, check the vehicle owner parties to cooperate with the insurance company. For example, anyone and anywhere workshop associates, whether there is a warranty parts, and whether there are 24-hour telephone service.

According To The Needs

Lastly, determine insurance needs. Because, typically, the insurance company has a variety of different types of insurance products based on the type pertanggungannya.Pada essentially, seen from the type of insurance, vehicle insurance is divided into two.

1. Comprehensive Insurance (comprehensive) or all risk. Through this product, the insurance company bears all the cost of repairing the damage part (partial loss) to lose as a result of an accident or collision.

2. Protection total loss only (TLO). In this scheme, the insurance companies only reimburse the cost of repairs if damage to the vehicle over 75% of the value of the vehicle or the vehicle is lost due to theft.

Appropriate scope of protection, a comprehensive insurance premiums greater than the premium TLO. Comprehensive premium rates the prevailing current of about 3% of the price of the vehicle, while the premium TLO about 1% of the price of the vehicle.

Congratulations choose insurance!

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