Differences of Shariah and Conventional Insurance

Differences of Shariah and Conventional Insurance

 There are seven fundamental differences between Islamic insurance with conventional insurance.
The differences are:
  1. Shariah insurance has a Sharia Supervisory Board (SSB), a product marketed betugas oversee and manage investment funds. Sharia Supervisory Board is not found in conventional insurance.
  2. Transactions are conducted in accordance with Shariah insurance please help. While based on the sale and purchase of conventional insurance
  3. Investment funds based on Shariah insurance profit sharing (mudaraba). While in conventional insurance to use the interest (usury) as the basis for the calculation of investment
  4. Ownership of an insurance fund in the shari'ah is the right candidate. Company only as a fiduciary to manage them. In conventional insurance, funds collected from customers (premium) become the property of the company. Thus, companies are free to choose their investment allocation.
  5. In the mechanism, does not recognize Shariah insurance funds such as those found in the charred conventional insurance. If the contract term participant is unable to continue premium payments and wanted to resign before the reversing period, the funds being entered can be retrieved, except for some small funds that have been intended to tabarru '.
  6. Shariah insurance claim payment in funds drawn from tabarru '(benevolence funds) all participants who have given willingly from the beginning that there is provision for funds to be used as helping fund among the participants in case of disaster. While in conventional insurance claim payment was taken from the account of company funds.
  7. Distribution of profit on Shariah insurance is divided between the company and participants in accordance with the proportion of revenue sharing principles that have been determined. While in conventional insurance all profits belong to the company.

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The Essence of Islamic Insurance

The Essence of Islamic Insurance

For every true Muslim to live and die only for the Creator Allah alone. In determining contained Consequently, every Muslim must live the teachings of Islam not only in mosques, when praying, fasting, zakat and hajj, but also when he was in the market, banks and offices. When he was transacting, to invest in the capital market, as well as insurance.

The same spirit that should inspire the rise of Islamic life in the world economy. In Indonesia, because the interest-free banking system introduced by Law No. 7/1992 on Banking, which is reinforced by the recognition of the dual banking system, Islamic banking is growing rapidly in the last three years. This data shows the share of total banking assets increased from 0.11 percent in 1999 to 0.33 percent in 2001. Third party funds, rose from 0.07 percent to 0.3 percent over the same period, and the offices are also increasingly growing to reach 29 cities in Java, Sumatra, Sulawesi and Kalimantan.

In the insurance sector, a similar development occurred. Currently, insurance companies are operating really fully sharia there are three, namely General Islamic Insurance, Family Islamic Insurance (life), and Mubarakah. In addition, some conventional insurance companies have opened sharia divisions namely MAA, Great Eastern, Bumiputera (life insurance), and Tripakarta. Ministry of Finance data showed, Islamic insurance market share in 2001 was only 0.3 percent of total national insurance premiums. Future developments expected to be more generally given the conditions the propagation of Islam is increasingly broad in scope, thus increasing public awareness. In addition, some government policies that support the development of Islamic insurance is an insurance determination Hajj is managed by Islamic insurance companies. In the field of the rule of law, currently in Indonesia has formed a special rule regarding Islamic Insurance is expected to make a significant impact as a result of the Banking Act 1998.

Islamic Insurance is a part of life based on the principle of monotheism. Everyone realized that it really did not have any power themselves when disaster comes from Allah, whether it was an accident, death, or the burning of shops that we have.

There are various ways of how people deal with disaster risk. The first way is to bear its own (retention risk), secondly, the risk of transfer to the (risk transfer) to another, and (shared risk) third, jointly managed.

It is interesting to ponder that since the beginning of its existence, the mechanism of Islamic Insurance is always associated with the group. This means that a disaster is not a matter of individuals, but groups. Even if, for example, an accident happened only a specific individual (specific risk). Moreover, if the crash was linked to the wider community (fundamental risk) such as earthquakes and floods. Allah has confirmed this in a few words in the Qur'an, among others, in a letter al again, paragraph 2, and Al Baqarah verse 177. Likewise, God's promise to always "provide food and rescue of fear" (QS Quraishi: 4) we often feel the hand of others were moved by the Lord to help us to fulfill these promises. There also are many hadith that the Prophet ordered the Muslims to protect each other in the face of adversity.

Based on the verses of the Qur'an and the hadith above, the actual accident, or risk disaster losses, should be shared (sharing of risk). So, instead of each individual bear (retention risk) alone, or diverted to the (risk transfer) to another. This is the essence of risk sharing in Islamic insurance, in which applied the principles of cooperation, mutual protection and responsible (Cooperation, protection, shared responsibility), which can be abbreviated with the principle of the CPM.

Clearly different from what happens in conventional insurance. There is a risk transfer occurs. You pay a premium to transfer risk that you can not carry insurance companies. Here are selling ', with commodities is the risk of loss, which has not happened. This is where the 'defects' of conventional insurance agreement, if seen from the perspective of Islam. Islam requires a theory of contract in the commodity (contract object) is sure, whether it be in the form of goods and services. This flaw is compounded by the condition that the premiums would sink if the loss does not occur, the opposite will reach many times when it is paid as compensation in case of risks insured.

Indeed, the insured will not get any benefit out of here because the principle of indemnity insurance has been arranged that no compensation can be given more than the amount of the loss suffered. However, this risk transfer mechanism allows for the imbalance of power in running the insurance agreement as agreed. At the simplest level, for example, when the insurer requires the insured to do their best to prevent the loss of, among others, to conduct rigorous risk management, on the other hand do not need to do that because the insured has transferred the risk to the insurance company. In a more complex level, could be frauds in filing a claim, either in the form of false claims (claims fraud) and the submission of the value of the claim is higher than it actually is.

In a risk sharing recommended in Islam, as a possible moral hazard in conventional insurance. God willing it will not happen because each individual right to insurance for all participants. Funds collected (pool funds) are not only used to sympathize participants who suffered losses, will also be invested (of course in accordance with the rules of Islamic investment), and the results will be distributed back to the participants in accordance with the principles of mudaraba.

The result will be negative if risk is not managed properly collected, so the number of large claims. As a result, participants lost an opportunity to get a result. This mechanism in itself encourages each participant to make risk prevention and risk management of each well. Any claim of fraud is unlikely to occur. Not only because there is a moral and ethical dimension inherent in it, but also because of its own risk sharing mechanisms related to the principle of mudaraba, making people aware prevented bad things.

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Islamic/Sharia Insurance

 Islamic/Sharia Insurance: A Solution

When Mr Rahman died from newly bought car collided, then the 'left' is not only a new car badly damaged, but also a childless widow, orphan 2 people. Besides that 60-month installment burden of type 36 houses remaining. Unimaginable how big the financial burden (financial risk) to be borne by the young widow who had been relying pendapatnnya husband's income only from the employee's private. What about the future of these two toddler? Could he grow up healthy and educated as other children?

He was not a true story, but not impossible can be experienced by anyone. If so, then how the anticipation?
From the Islamic point of view, help and sympathize those who suffered such an obligation. Various verses of the Quran suggests that, among others, in surah Al-Baqarah verse 177 of surah Al-Maa'un and paragraph 1-7. All this is a form of caring about others, as well as indications of devotion to God Almighty. Did not the Prophet SAW has said that people of faith between one another is like building a mutually reinforcing, so that if one part suffers pain, then other parts of the body will also feel it.

In addition, Allah also asked our attention really to leave no weak generation (Surat An-Nisa: 9), good faith, intellectual, economic and physical.

The problem, how this noble guidance is implemented and institutionalized, so it can include the audience more, in addition to assistance or compensation is given sufficient means to empower or restore their financial condition affliction hits.

There are hadith which means: "Truth is not be defeated by applying a systematic kebatilan.
Preventive solutions commonly offered in facing similar issues is insurance, which consists of:

    * General Insurance, which is a type of protection that was associated premises loss or damage / loss of property owned by a person

    * Life Insurance, which is a type of protection associated with the living death of a person. Three basic types of life insurance products, namely: insuransce term (term insurance, the benefit is paid if the unfortunate death in the agreement), whole life insurance insuranceendowment (endowment insurance, the insurance benefits paid if the participant died in the agreement or alive until the end of the agreement). (Insurance for life, insurance benefits are paid if the participant died), and
The type and any type of insurance, essentially starting from the principle of cooperation (Cooperation) and helping each other (mutuality), the real line with Islamic principles. The principle of cooperation and mutual assistance in the insurance operations is translated as an agreement between the insurer (insurance company) and insured (insurance participants) with the insurer receives a premium from the insured to obtain coverage manakal the insured suffered a loss, damage or loss due to the uncertain events and without yan deliberate; or insurer provides a payment that is based on a person dies or lives.

Insurance operations according to the pattern so, based on an exchange akadnya can be categorized as (raqad mu'awadhah), like buying and selling. Insurers (insurance companies) provide guarantees or insurance coverage to policyholders and to the insured (insurance participants) pay the premiums. Large pertangungan and premiums as well as term of the contract agreed upon by both parties.

Exchange in this way in the Islamic view of the uncertainty to be defective or gharar, as resting on an uncertain event. Dual-purpose products for example, participants are obliged to pay (pay in installments), premium, if participants live during the term of the contract to obtain insurance money which amount has been determined. The uncertainty in this example is the amount of premium paid, because payment of these premiums was based on life or death of participants in the agreement. In contrast to term insurance products, the uncertainty lies in the amount of coverage that will be received by the insured.

Furthermore, transactions that contain this kind of uncertainty can be detrimental to either party, which is generally the most disadvantaged pesertalah. Party participants or their beneficiaries can receive the sum is greater or smaller than the premium paid or not to accept money insured at all. In other words synonymous with insurance chancy, which in the terminology of Islamic jurisprudence called maysir. In other cases, if the participant stopped before the agreement ends, especially in the early period of the agreement, in general, participants did not get a refund of premiums already paid (charred), or get a refund in the amount of yag very small compared to the premiums already paid. Most of the premium funds received by the company then invested. In this regard, the contract does not require the exchange of clarity in the allocation of premium funds, because fund premiums paid by pesera, company-owned status.

Thus the company can invest the fund's premium anywhere, and in any way, including in the areas of business which contain elements of sinners or prohibited by the Shari'a (usury, liquor, porn, etc.). If the premium fund and its investment results to be the source of the sum insured, then the participants who receive the sum assured can not refrain from consuming ribawi funds or funds derived from the efforts of other sinners.
Islamic Insurance
Noble teachings of Islam commands us to sympathize people who lost property, death of relatives, or other calamity. Such actions are a manifestation of concern and solidarity (itsar), as well as mutual assistance (ta'awun) among citizens, both Muslims and non-Muslims. In this way a sense of brotherhood (ukhuwah) will be even stronger. Those who are not afflicted affliction hits protracted grief and fell into despair, even to avoid a possible drowning in poverty or loss of the future. But rose in ways helpful to be in line with the Shari'a (Sura 42: 13). Should not contain elements of gharar (uncertainty), maysir (chancy), usury, and other things that are sinners. Premises other words, ta'awun be placed on the values of devotion to virtue, and not sharia law violations that could lead to conflict or hostility. This is as commands of God in surah Al-anymore: 2: "Mutual help menolonglah you in righteousness and piety, and do not you guys mutual help each other in sin and enmity"

Islamic insurance system is an alternative, to be exact replacement, the pattern of applying conventional insurance or contract of exchange systems that are not in line with Islamic Sharia. In Islamic insurance system, each participant intends mutual help each other by setting aside some funds as a contribution virtue (tabarru '). These funds are used to sympathize anyone among participants who experienced disaster insurance. So it was not in the form of an exchange agreement dianatara two parties, but the agreement for mutual assistance to each other (takaafuli) among all participants.
All funds collected premiums that are managed by the company to invest, re-insurance, distribution of insurance benefits, and distribution of operating surplus. For all these management services, the company asked for employees' contributions which amount must be approved by the participants, as well as part of operating surpluses as agreed by participants that the percentage of companies established since the early nisbahnya.

Solidarity, Transparency, and Consistency
The phenomenon of Islamic insurance is a unique phenomenon (al-ghuraba) in the center of the capitalistic economic currents and individualistic. Financially, the system allows the acquisition of Islamic insurance (benefits) the better. Simultaneously, a spirit of solidarity was fostered through the contributions of virtue (tabarru ') insurance participants.

Tabarru system 'and profit sharing (mudaraba) stipulated in the operational pattern of Islamic insurance requires transparency in the funding status and its management. Similarly, in terms of contribution to management costs, which set aside a bit of a premium the first year alone, clearly defined and become part of the deal participants. Thus since the early participants clearly know disetorkannya premium components, namely tabarru '(dues kabajikan), savings (absolute rights of participants), and the contribution of management fees (30% premium the first year). In addition, participants can see the progress from time to time in the development of the cash value policy, namely the accumulation of savings and for the results. Therefore, when participants intended to resign in the agreement for any reason, the cash value that can be received can be calculated in value and clear the source (derived from savings and for the results). Likewise, death claims received by the heirs of participants, consisting of insurance benefits or compensation virtue (sourced from tabarru-tabarru 'participants), the savings that have been deposited in the savings and profit sharing.

In terms of investment, in addition to considerations of profitability, business compliance with the provisions of sharia is a determinant of investment decisions. Therefore the role of the Sharia Supervisory Board to be very important in the dynamics of development of Islamic insurance business, which was not found in conventional insurance.

Ultimately, not wrong to say that the Islamic insurance operations as described above and Sharia Supervisory Board's involvement in the overall chain of events and illustrates the consistency of Islamic insurance products insurance ta'awun sharia as a system (mutual assistance cooperation) which is based on the value- value of the Islamic sharia.

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Protecting Your Auto Insurance Settlement from Your Health Care Provider

Health Insurance - Protecting Your Auto Insurance Settlement from Your Health Care Provider
By Joe Frey

The astronomic rise in health care costs and the frugality of health insurers and HMOs are forcing many hospitals to scrape for every penny. As a result, some hospitals are laying claim to portions of consumers' auto insurance liability settlements in order to recoup payment for services rendered. There's nothing wrong with collecting what's owed, but, in many cases, the hospital bills the health insurer or HMO and the consumer. That practice, known as "balance billing," is illegal in some states.

Hospitals have every right to receive payment for services rendered and can come after you if you or your health insurer hasn't paid your bills. In fact, some Medicare+Choice plans allow doctors and hospitals to bill you for up to 115 percent over and above what Medicare normally pays. But if your health insurer and the health care providers agree on a payment schedule, even if those fees are at a discount, the health care providers can't seek reimbursement from you, the health insurance policyholder, once they've been paid by your health plan.

However, some hospitals are apparently ignoring the law when auto insurance liability settlements are involved. Here's how a hospital might try to claim part of your liability settlement.

Don't lien on me
Say you were injured in an auto accident that was not your fault and admitted to the hospital because you sustained moderate injuries. You tell the admissions personnel that your injuries are the result of an auto accident and that you have health insurance. Your health insurance happens to be an HMO plan that has contracted that hospital, which means the hospital agrees to give the HMO a substantial discount on health care. Your HMO picks up the tab for you and the hospital is supposed to consider payment from the HMO as full reimbursement.

But the hospital, knowing that you were injured in an auto accident, files a lien against any auto insurance liability settlement you collect — meaning the hospital gets to collect the difference between what your HMO paid and what the medical care actually cost. For instance, your hospital bill is $10,000 and your HMO's preset agreement with the hospital allows it a discount of 40 percent. Your HMO pays $6,000 and, if you collect an insurance settlement, the hospital will come after you for the remaining $4,000.

"Any time you have a discount contract between a health care insurer and a provider, the provider can't bill the consumer for the balance of the bill," says James Holmes, an attorney based in Henderson, Texas, who is currently pursuing a class action lawsuit against Mother Frances Regional Health Care Center in Rusk County, Texas, for such practices. Holmes says that if the case is certified as a class action, it could affect 3,000 individuals in Texas.

Pam Holland, the plaintiff whom Holmes represents, alleges that Mother Frances used the services of a small collection agency to file a lien against any liability settlement she received, which would allow the hospital to recover payment for the care provided to her that was not paid for by her PPO, Prudential. Hospitals have the right to file liens against liability settlements within 10 to 30 days of care to ensure payment for services given.

"There was a contract in the bowels of that hospital between [the PPO] and Mother Frances that says the hospital 'agrees to look solely to Prudential for compensation of coverage services,'" says Holmes. "Mother Frances knew it had a contract that said 'thou shalt not,' but it did anyway."

Holland later received a $250,000 liability settlement from the person who caused the auto accident, and Mother Frances laid claim to $36,000 of that.

Previous cases show the illegality
In a similar case in Texas (Satsky vs. United States of America), U.S. District Judge Samuel Kent ruled on Feb. 6, 1998, that a hospital's attempt to recover payment from former patient Linda Satsky was prohibited because the hospital had been paid in full by Satsky's health insurance company.

Satsky had received a liability settlement as a result of an auto accident and the hospital to which she was admitted filed a lien against any liability settlement she received. Judge Kent ruled, however, that "a lien can only legally attach if there is an underlying debt secured by the lien. . . . The facts prove that Satsky's insurer has paid all of the sums owed to the hospital. . . . As there is no debt, there can be no lien."

In Dorr vs. Sacred Heart Hospital, a case decided by the Wisconsin Court of Appeals on May 25, 1999, the hospital was found to have acted in bad faith by trying to collect payment from Beverly Dorr (the plaintiff) for services rendered. The hospital had filed a lien against any liability settlement Dorr received as a result of an auto accident.

The court ruled that Sacred Heart Hospital filed the lien "purely as a ploy to try to get as much money as possible," and stated that there was "ample evidence" to show that the hospital intentionally disregarded Dorr's rights to her full liability settlement by trying to collect on the lien.

In addition to the case law, Maryland's attorney general and the insurance commissioners in Arkansas and Florida have specifically warned hospitals and other health care providers about the illegality of "balance billing." The Maryland attorney general wrote in a September 1998 opinion that "no [health care provider], whether under contract with the HMO or not, could charge an HMO subscriber for any treatment which was a covered service." Balance billing is also forbidden in Michigan, according to the state's public health regulations, MCLA §333.21053.

Dennis Purtell, an attorney at von Briesen, Purtell & Roper, a Milwaukee-based law firm that represents health care providers, says that hospital collection efforts vary widely across the country, but cases like Dorr's occasionally happen. Purtell says that hospitals could avoid legal pitfalls by lobbying to change laws that restrict them to accepting payment from one source only.

Until that change happens, however, Purtell and his colleagues advise hospitals in an article titled, Liening Too Close to the Edge: Violating the Hospital Lien Statute Can Lead to Serious Consequences, to: "Use hospital liens with respect to HMO patients only with extreme care," and "consider a policy of accepting payment from the HMO. Such a policy may be more efficient and financially safer in the long run."

Know your rights
When you receive a liability settlement after an auto accident, you don't have to give your health care providers a dime if your health insurance company and the hospital or doctor have an agreement on how services will be paid for. However, you might have to fork over a portion of it to your HMO or health insurer if it paid for your medical treatment. Your health insurance contract might say that your health insurer has the right to subrogate — meaning seek payment — if you receive a settlement.

The theory behind your not being able to keep a settlement and file a health claim is similar to the way health care providers aren't allowed to "balance bill": Collecting money twice for one event is getting more than you legally deserve.

Source: Insurance News Network 

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Skimping on Insurance Could Spell Trouble

Boat Insurance: Skimping on Insurance Could Spell Trouble
By Capt. Fred Davis

Boat insurance can be confusing. Boats may be insured for various coverage – in various ways – with various companies.
Boat owners need to take the time to question and understand the insurance they are purchasing. In most cases, boat values (even small boats) are in the thousands of dollars. A few dollars saved on an insurance policy could jeopardize needed coverage. If your agent cannot thoroughly explain the coverage, ask to speak to a company representative who can interpret the small print.

Boat owners should be aware of several aspects of boat policy coverage. Most, if not all, policies state, "It is the responsibility of the owner to immediately take all necessary action to protect the property from further damage when his boat is in peril."
I have encountered insurance companies that would not cover the expense of recovery of a vessel because the vessel itself was not damaged. The insurance companies did not consider the fact that had the owner not taken protective action the vessel could have been a total loss.

A service often questioned is removal from grounding. Some companies refer to removal from a hard grounding as towing. Towing could actually severely damage a grounded vessel. Others interpret, as they should, a hard grounding as salvage. To avoid further damage, special action is required.

In most cases of wreck removal, a vessel owner is held responsible for the removal of a wreck or any debris.
Some insurance companies pay all the cost of wreck removal; others do not cover wreck removal at all. Some may pay off a total loss claim on the boat but leave an owner responsible for the removal or any further liability caused by a wreck.

If a wreck breaks up and its debris floats in the path of another vessel, causing damage to that vessel, liability can be extreme.
In recent years, towing coverage has been added to most policies (usually to the nearest harbor). You need to carefully check your policy, however, because some companies offer no coverage for towing, especially for small boats.

Towing coverage is important, because the Coast Guard no longer offers assistance towing if there is no danger to lives or property. The cost of towing by a commercial tower averages $100 to $150 per hour from the time the tow gets under way until the tow boat returns to its dock (port to port).

Marine insurance coverage involves many other variables. Only too often, the insured has no idea what coverage they have until a claim occurs and it’s too late to change.

Insurance coverage is not an item you should skimp on. Pennies saved on a cheap policy could cost you your boat if you encounter a major claim. In addition, you could be left with a big bill to add to your problems.

If you own a high-priced vessel, even though it’s only a runabout, it would be wiser to purchase a yacht policy. Avoid adding it to your homeowners insurance.

Many boaters spend a lot of money on a boat, then they buy the cheapest insurance they can find thinking they won't need it. They may feel secure, because they are well schooled on safe boating and proper navigation, but the unforeseen can happen and good insurance provides peace of mind as you enjoy your watercraft.

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Export Credit Insurance: An Analysis

Export Credit Insurance: An Analysis

Export credit insurance has truly proven to be one of today's greatest hidden keys to global growth and export success. As barriers fall, and the world truly becomes a much smaller place, export businesses come as a rare growth opportunity for all businesses alike. This growth potential abroad, and competitive pressures to secure market share are two key forces pushing more and more companies into the export arena. However, it also brings many inherent risks of the trade including the unexpected customer defaults.

The risk of an unexpected customer default is a driving reason why lenders limit advances on pledged receivables. Prudent lending practices dictate that lenders extend themselves only to a certain point, since the potential for default in the receivable base can place an undue repayment burden on the borrower. Obviously, this limits the amount of working capital available from a given group of accounts.

A more cost-effective alternative is to hedge the risk in pledged receivables, allowing a safe increase in the advance rate. A financial instrument known as accounts receivable insurance, which is commonly used in Europe and in the United States for over 100 years, can be used to transfer the risk of unexpected credit losses from the company's books. By eliminating this potential for loss, it is possible to more fully leverage the pledged receivables and increase advance rates by a beneficial percentage.

As an example, a company with $15 million of pledged receivables is currently allowed to advance 80%, providing $12 million in available working capital. Assume additional growth opportunities require an additional $4 million. By insuring the receivables against unexpected customer insolvencies and protracted default, the advance rate can safely be increased to 85%. This provides an additional $750,000 of working capital. As the receivables turn, say six times for this example that increased availability provides additional working capital at every turn, resulting in $4.5 million in additional funds accessible to the company. Further, by guaranteeing payment on the receivables, the lender enjoys the benefit of advancing against a "riskless asset".

The end result is an immediate increase in working capital, increased sales, and increased future sales revenue, while the company preserves remaining assets for future financing needs. This approach is a win-win opportunity for the company and their lender.

According to the latest figures from the Association of British Insurers (ABI), UK domestic and export sales amounting to 18% of gross domestic product were supported by credit insurance. British credit insurers supported £188bn ($290.5bn) worth of trade worldwide in 1998. Another estimate is that credit insurance covers about 25 percent of total exports in Europe, compared with 1 percent of US exports.

Export Credit Insurance has two basic components - Commercial risk and Political risk protection. While economic risks remain significant and encompass insolvency, bankruptcy and protracted default; political risks have not declined either despite the end of the Cold War. On the contrary frequent political upheavals have created an atmosphere of uncertainty in the minds of the potential exporters.

Insolvency: Its True cost

Consider a situation. The customer is insolvent or bankrupt with no hope of recovery. Either way (depending upon his specific credit policy and procedure) the next step would suggest that the account balance be written off to bad debts and life goes on. Unfortunately, removing the principal amount owing from the ledger does not always represent the true cost of the bad debt when one considers the impact on other aspects of the business.

With the advent of just in time delivery, many suppliers perform an essential customer service by ordering or manufacturing, in advance, products specifically required by the customer. If these products are customer specific, they will ultimately have to be written down as obsolete or sold at considerably less than market value. This is often accounted for differently and never really tagged as part of the bad debt, although it arguably could be.

Annual budgets look ahead and sales forecasts cascade down to individual customers. Product sales and margins are predicated on the retention and growth of these identified customers. A bad debt removes this opportunity from the mix and the void must be filled from among the existing accounts or a concerted prospecting effort must be undertaken to find a volume/margin replacement. If neither is found, these lost sales become very measurable.

Bad debts are financed out of a bank line. The reduction of bank availability because of this loss would mean funding for specific projects, like new product development. Programs may have to be curtailed. Companies need to continue to advance and remain competitive. The impact of not having access to these resources will have a much longer-term effect on the overall business.

While bad debts typically fall within the domain of the credit department, the true cost of losing a customer has both short and long-term consequences for the company. Therefore, recording the principal loss is in reality an understatement, if these others factors are not recognized in some form or another. In a competitive situation, this may make the difference between securing the contract or losing the business.

Even in more developed nations, financial security can be a real problem. There were about 200,000 bankruptcies in Western Europe last year, Bankruptcies in Italy surged to nearly 19,000 in 1994 from 14,000 in 1993, while in Germany, they jumped from 20,000 to 25,000 in the same period. A country can be both politically stable and economically uncertain.

Political Risks

Export credit insurance often is marketed in tandem with political risk insurance, which covers payment risks related to the country of the buyer. This encompasses non-payment by the buyers due to transfer difficulties, government moratorium, contract frustration, war, currency inconvertibility, asset expropriation, political violence and so on.

Buying both Coverages is prudent, especially when dealing with companies operating in developing economies or uncertain political climates. Some European carriers, such as Germany’s Gerling Group and AIG, have devised dual coverage policies. It may be wise to purchase both policies from the same insurance carrier. You don’t want to debate with two different carriers whether a loss was caused by a bankruptcy [requiring credit insurance] or an insurrection [political risk insurance].

Some carriers don’t yet provide political risk insurance, but can coordinate coverage through another insurer. CNA, for example, arranges selective political risk coverage through Unistrat, a New York based political risk insurer owned by French insurer SCOR.

Limitations of Letter of Credit

Foreign buyers are not willing to commit their working capital to back Letters of Credit like they used to. Their position is, We’re a good risk. If you want to do business with us, you’ll have to do it on open credit terms like everybody else.

The cost of a letter of credit can be significant. Banks in the United Kingdom often charge 1.5 percent to 2 percent per month of the face value of the credit extended; banks in Brazil charge as much as 6 percent. Letters of credit also have an impact on a Company’s available credit for internal business purposes. If a company has a $1 million credit line, and it buys $300,000 in products on a letter of credit, its overall credit availability is reduced considerably. Even though the company hasn’t really used the money, it has run down its credit line and hurt it’s ability to run its business.

Letters of credit are not headache-free for sellers either, creating tremendous paper work and other problems. Letters of credit are stringent about product delivery dates and frequently specify when a product must be shipped and/or received. If a manufacturer misses a scheduled date because of a production glitch or other error, the letter of credit must be amended, requiring another trip to the bank that issued the letter of credit, and paying another fee.

Export credit insurance, on the other hand, creates no burdens for product buyers. The seller purchases the insurance to cover nonpayment of account receivables. Although this creates cost for the seller, the benefits more than compensate for the cost. If you are exporting and insisting on letters of credit as payment, you are probably losing business to your competitors who are offering open terms. If this is the case, you should look into export credit insurance as an alternative to letters of credit.


Credit insurers incorporate a number of factors in deriving the premiums they charge, including the financial stability of product buyers and the country in which the buyer resides. The latter is important for political considerations, which can affect the debtor’s commercial obligations. Other underwriting considerations include the terms of sale and credit, for instance, net 30 days or net 90 days, and the terms of transactions involved. The insurers also incorporate a coinsurance share on the Insured between 15 to 25% and impose a wait period of 6 to 12 months before the bad debts can be claimed.

Typical credit insurance program costs 1/10% to 3/10% of covered annual sales for domestic receivable policy, and slightly more for export programs. The return on additional funds employed in the business assures the company a sizable return on the initial investment. In the initial paragraphs, the $4.5 million of additional capital reinvested in the business at a 30% return on funds employed yields as incremental return of $1,350,000, from a premium investment of approximately $150,000. Additionally, the policy allows the company to replace reserves with a tax-deductible premium that places a firm guarantee of payment on the accounts, and eliminates the need for excess reserves.


By financing its receivables, a company enhances its cash flow, that is, it gets cash from the bank immediately rather than waiting for shipments to be delivered and customers to pay their invoices. The customer also benefits. Rather than pay the exporter, it pays the lender on favorable six-month or eight-month terms, giving it cash flow benefits and an opportunity to establish a relationship with his bank. The lender, meanwhile, receives interest on the financing and monthly payments, and in the event of default, has the credit insurance policy to back up payment of the loan. It a "win, win, win" situation for all parties involved.

By integrating export credit insurance into a foreign sales strategy, exporters are provided with enormous flexibility and creativity in how they can structure a deal. No longer is the company out there for 90 or 120 days waiting on a receivable. The receivable is sold to the bank at the time of shipment, thereby moving the foreign receivable off the company’s balance sheet. The end result is greater working capital for the client.

Because the bank’s loan is backed by the credit insurance, it is possible to provide higher advance rates at less risk and perhaps include more receivables in the borrowing base. The insurance provides comfort, making it a larger, safer loan for the lender. From that perspective, all parties benefit.

Exporters can also use the policy to replace any reserve against doubtful accounts. The reserve is then moved to the bottom line, increasing profits. It helps in expanding sales due to favorable credit terms and reduces the risk of exposure to non-payment by your buyers. It increases borrowing power by naming the financial institution as "loss payee" to provide the bank with security for lending and by investing in credit insurance thereby getting more favorable loan terms. It also stabilizes cash flow by reducing unexpected or catastrophic bad debt losses.


Despite the existence of credit Insurance for the last 100 years many companies are still unaware of the product's existence. As competition in the global marketplace heats up more and more customers demanding open credit, insurance companies are responding to the market dynamics and many new carriers are entering the market with a wide variety of new and improved programs that can be customized to each situation.


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